contact us
Summer Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 268
Dryden, Ontario Canada
P8N 2Y8
Winter Mailing Address:
Derek and Kara Zimmerman
774 Elmwood Drive
Abilene, TX 79605
meet your hosts

Hi! We are Derek and Kara Zimmerman. We’re the proud owners of Pine Cliff Lodge and we’re just crazy enough to bring our three little boys along for the ride.
As the nephew of former owners Richard and Kaylene Foley, Derek grew up spending summer breaks at Pine Cliff and fell in love with the beautiful, serene, Canadian wilderness. While dating Kara in college, he took a chance and brought her to his secret safe haven. It didn’t take long for her to fall in love with the place too. She left that trip a fisherwoman, landing her personal best trophy pike and sealing the deal for Derek. From that point on they dreamed about the possibilities of one day owning a place like Pine Cliff Lodge. When it came time for Richard and Kaylene to retire after 25 years of running Pine Cliff Lodge, they sold to Derek and Kara to keep this special gem in the family, to be cared for and operated as a premier lodge for outdoor enthusiasts for many years to come.
We still can’t believe that this is our home. And we can’t wait to share it with you.