big sandy lake
Remote, fly-in quality fishing. Convenient drive-to location.
Pine Cliff Lodge is the only lodge located on 10,000 acre Big Sandy Lake (previously referred to as Sandybeach Lake). It’s a cold, clear, secluded lake with no public access except for a couple private cabins. Pine Cliff anglers often feel they have the entire lake to themselves and likely won’t encounter another boat throughout a day of fishing.
Big Sandy is known for thriving populations of world-class northern pike, smallmouth bass and lake trout. Thanks to a bounty of baitfish like smelt, minnows, leeches, crawfish, suckers, cisco and whitefish, large mature fish have plenty of small fish to feed on year-round. Protective catch-and-release policies for northern pike and smallmouth bass ensure that these beautiful, mature fish continue to thrive.
Yellow perch and whitefish fishing are also available for anglers who enjoy a variety of fishing experiences.
Pine Cliff Lodge

Big Sandy Lake is about seven miles in length, three and half miles wide at its widest, and 150’ at its deepest. Many lakes in the region are so large, confusing and dangerous to navigate that a guide is essential. This is not the case on Big Sandy. Upon your arrival, you’ll receive a detailed map of the lake along with a briefing on where to catch each fish species, the depth of water to fish, and the lures, colors and presentations that work best. Boulder reefs are identified on the lake map and marked with buoys to ensure you have a safe, accident-free trip.